Quotes of Gita

  I am god, i am the sacrifice, i sm in meditation, i am the mantra, i am the cloud, i am the fire and I am the only manifestation of the action.
         I am also the father , mother , grandfather, knowable , holy omkar, and Hrigveda, Samaveda , and Yajurved , who give this entire world the holder and  holder of the work of karma.
              I am the only one who had attained the ultimate glory , the reputatorre, the master of all , the auspicious looking , the home of all , the seeker of the seeker, the benefactor of the non  -repetitive, the originof all for the sake of the catastrophic status the foundation , the preservation and indestructible cause.
             I am only sunrayed , i am attracted to rain and rain. Arjun! I am the nectar and the death and the truth - I am the only one.